Gaming Tuesday: Things you didn’t know about the PS4

“The talk of the gaming community is the PS4 and the XBOX One. However, after a little research, I have found that the PS4 is an obvious online favorite right now. However, thus far I have failed to find a good post answering some questions I had about the PS4. So here’s the PS4: Things you didn’t know.”

  Called ‘Orbis’ before the Sony conference held a month ago, the PS4 is now the most hyped gaming product of 2013. The console has not been revealed yet, but the controller has. I reckon you’ve already read about the controller so I’ll leave that for later. Lets turn to…


1) Whether or not you can play used games ‘isn’t’ confirmed:

            Thats right. XBOX One can’t play second-hand games, however, the PS4 might be able to. Sony earlier said that the PS4 will be able to play second-hand games, however, it has also filed a patent which in a butshell, might mean that the PS4 won’t play used games. Sony has said that they make patents like those but they won’t necessarily use them, and its just useful to have around.

Meanwhile, there is already a campaign to convince Sony to allow second-hand titles.

2) What Sony is doing to focus on ‘sharing’

                   Sony made it clear that they will be adding more features to boost social gaming. What have they done, exactly? Well, for one, a HEADSET WILL BE INCLUDED with the PS4 which will allow players to CHAT online. This is an amazing addition and is welcome.

          The DualShock 4 will have a ‘share’ button as seen in the picture below.Image

According to, the share button will be able to “Share triumphs and accomplishments by streaming live gameplay to Ustream or uploading recorded videos to Facebook.” A step in the right direction.

3) The Dualshock 4: Touchpad and lightbar. 

The touchpad: Something quite bold. Its probably for navigating menus, however, developers can use it for all sorts of things. In Elder Scrolls, it could be used for slashing a sword however you want it, or lockpicking! In shooters, it could be change guns quickly and reload, or quickly sidestep away from fire. It could be used by Third-party developers to develop whole new types of games which use the touchpad only! The possibilities are endless, but what are the chances of this happening? Probably 60%, because otherwise, its definitely gonna make people angry.

 And the light bar in the front of the controller? It shows if you have less health! It flashes when you fire! It might suddenly change colors or flash while playing horror games! It flashes when you’re being attacked! Also, it gives a distinct color to each controller, making it easier for multiplayer games to play. This will probably be used in every game.

So that’s everything I didn’t know before I did some research. Did you know that the controller has a extension slot which might allow some extra widgets to be connected? 

Price is still a dark spot, but will probably be below $550, and above $440. Its competitive, or atleast better than the PS3s pricing.


Thank you for reading! Please comment. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Illusive Gossip.